Pearls of Wisdom 10-17-2012



You and I as human beings on this earth were given a voice to speak intelligible words that communicate understanding.  Animals can only meow or bark or moo or neigh or bray or crow or squeak.  They have a limited means of communicating, even though they do communicate with their movements and scent and various inflections of the sound of their voice.  BUT we humans have been given a gift by God to create by our actual words.  What an honor!  What a privilege!  What a blessing!


Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year, we are giving voice to our thoughts, putting them into words.  We can either give voice to our circumstances and feelings or we can give voice to God’s Word.  We have been given that choice.  Wow!


God’s Word is so beautiful.  It is the essence of everything we will need, whether it is health and healing, financial wealth, Godly relationships, strong families or a vibrant life.  It is all there for us in God’s Word.  He has made provision for every area of our lives.  He has presented us with His Word so that we can give voice to His goodness and love not only for ourselves but also for others.  He has given us His Word to paint a picture of the Blessing all the time in this earth for us and for others.  Our mouth is our paintbrush.  Paint the right words to produce pictures of the Blessing everywhere you go.


What are you giving voice to today?  The world around us is speaking doom and gloom.  We must speak life and hope and faith.  And the place we start is with ourselves and those around us.  GIVE VOICE TO GOD’S WORD!