The Father’s Will
Jesus’ greatest desire and pleasure while He was here on this earth was to do His Father’s will. He always delights to do His Father’s will. In fact, when we look at John 6:38, Jesus said that He came down from heaven, not to do His own will, but the will of the Father that sent Him. He goes on to say in verses 39 and 40 that the will of the Father is that people believe on Jesus and receive the Life of God into their lives.
In verse 40 in the Amplified Bible we read: For this is My Father’s will and His purpose, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up [from the dead] at the last day. In verse 47 Jesus said that He that believes on Me has everlasting life.
Your greatest desire and pleasure should be to do the Father’s will while you are here on this earth. If you are having trouble determining what the will of the Father is for your life, below are some scriptures for you to confess over yourself daily. You do know your Father’s will. You are His child. What you must do is allow Him to pull that information up from within you to your mind, so that you can see clearly the path that you are to take in life. My rule of thumb has always been this: I do not do anything until I have heard from the Lord and have a peace inside me that doesn’t waver. Until that time comes, I do nothing except continue to do what I am presently doing. Some people may find that a little slow and want to move faster, but I have found that in God’s realm, time is no factor to Him. It is only a factor to us here on this earth.
1 John 2:29
Christ is absolutely righteous, conforming to the Father’s will in purpose, thought and action. Everyone who does righteousness, is therefore in like manner conformed to His divine will, is born of Him.
Christ, the Anointed One with His anointing, is in me as a born-again child of God.
He conforms to the Father’s will in purpose, thought and action.
Therefore, I conform to the Father’s will in purpose, thought and action.
Ephesians 5:17
I am not vague, thoughtless or foolish, but I understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.
God has a perfect plan for each one of us on this earth. We were born to fulfill that plan. That is His will for us. I cannot tell you what the specific will of God is for your personal life. You will have to seek the Lord until you know. Each of us must spend time with Him to hear His voice and to proceed in the direction in which we believe He is leading us. What if we make a mistake? What if we don’t hear clearly? That is the wonderful thing about our Lord. He will guide us back into the right path. But if we never go forward, how will we ever accomplish anything in our lives. Forward motion produces action. If that action is incorrect, God will correct our course. He is an excellent course corrector, as well as the author of our course. He is the Architect of the plan. He is also the Builder. He is the Master Architect and Builder. We can trust Him to steer us in the right direction.