Prayer Teaching 02-17-2013

Have Faith In God

In Mark 11 Jesus taught His disciples and us the power of faith in God.  So much has been and is being taught on faith to the Body of Christ.  But at some point we have to move from teaching to believing and acting on what we believe.  We have been saturated with teaching.  It is time to get up and do what we have been taught.

Do you know what the word “doing” involves where faith is concerned?  It may involve a few failures as we move toward consistent success in our praying and doing.  We can only go as far in our doing as our knowing.  Do you know and believe that faith works for you?  Or do you leave it to your pastor?

When is the last time you stood steadfastly on God’s Word for yourself?  So you have had disappointments and discouragements. We all have.  The difference between a successful prayer warrior and an unsuccessful one is persistence and consistency.  If there has been a failure, find out where it failed and keep on going, learning and succeeding as you go.

If business people gave up when they failed, they would never have a successful business.  I am told that every successful millionaire (I guess we should jump it to billionaire in today’s world.) has declared bankruptcy maybe more than once.  The difference between the successful one and the one who failed was that the successful one did not give up but got up, dusted off his britches and got on that horse and rode again.  If the horse of life has thrown you a number of times, bucked and knocked you out of the saddle, get on that horse and ride again and again and again until you succeed.  Persistence is a good companion of a praying person.

Faith—-in the beginning of our walk of faith, we do not understand many things.  But we put into practice what we know and keep on growing.  We all know that faith comes by hearing the word of God.  What word are you hearing?  If you are listening to your television more than you are listening to the word of God preached and taught, you are listening to exactly what is producing your faith.  Most of the things on television today are very negative and doom and gloom oriented.  If that is what you are hearing, that is the faith you have.  It is a faith in the negative happening.  It will definitely affect the way you pray.

Take a television fast for a week or two and see what it does to your faith.  In the time slot you have previously allotted to television viewing, listen to ministers teaching the word of God in faith.  Watch what happens to your faith level in the Word of God and prayer.  It will grow greatly.  You will see Godly results.  Try it!  It does work!