The Blood of Jesus
There have been volumes written on the blood of Jesus. Here in this small space we have so little time to talk about His blood. We are told in the scriptures that the life of the flesh is in the blood. The eternal life of God is in the blood of Jesus. When Jesus shed His blood on this earth, He spilled out the life of God all over the earth. That blood is speaking loud and clear: LIFE! Jesus released the life of God on this earth. That life is forever speaking the life of health and healing to us, to our physical bodies.
I remember that the “old-timers” pleaded the blood of Jesus over anyone and everything. They would say: I plead the blood of Jesus over you. They had faith in the blood of Jesus to protect them, to deliver them, to heal them. Whatever they needed, they believed the blood of Jesus would supply. I still do that today. I plead the blood of Jesus over me and my family. The blood of Jesus stands between us and satan and all of his activity toward us. I strongly believe in the ability of the blood of Jesus to take care of any situation that comes into my life or comes against me.
When the blood of Jesus was shed, it washed away forever the curse of sin in our lives. His blood has cleansed us and cleared out of the way every bit of sin. It is gone. We must have confidence in the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. There is no sin for us. It is gone forever. Any time we sin, God looks at us through the blood of His Son and says: I see you spotless. At the moment we may not be spotless, but He sees us that way, through the blood of Jesus. That is the way we have to see ourselves. When we mess up, fess up and enjoy the benefits of being God’s child.
The greatest revelation we have today about the blood of Jesus is in communion. In a sense, the first communion was the night of Passover when the blood of the sacrificial lamb was placed on the doorposts and lintels for the death angel to pass over them. Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb whose blood is placed on the doorposts and lintels of our heart forever so that the death angel passes over us.
Jesus told us that this cup of the blessing is the new testament in His blood. It is the communion of the blood of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:16). This cup is the new covenant in His blood (1 Corinthians 11:25). What did He mean here? Every time we take communion, Jesus is telling us that by remembering His blood we are remembering that we are in a new covenant, a new partnership, where He has stripped away all that is ungodly and given us the fullness of His Kingdom. We are privileged to partake of everything that He has. One of those things that He has is healing and health. It is ours now because He has shed His blood. Every time we take communion, we must see our bodies being cleansed of all sickness and disease. We are free to be healthy. God Almighty has given us fellowship with His blood. He has shed His blood for us.
We have redemption through the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14). We are redeemed from the curse of sickness and disease. In other words, we have been delivered from the stigma of sickness and disease forever, by the blood of Jesus. Sickness and disease cannot stick to us because we are constantly being cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We must see that in our mind’s eye. What we behold, we believe and become. Let’s behold Jesus 24/7 and His shed blood for you and me.
But now in Christ Jesus we are made night, have come near to God, by His blood, for He is our peace, our wholeness, with nothing broken and nothing missing (Ephesians 2:13,14). Health is no longer missing from our bodies. We must believe it and walk in it!