Prayer Teaching 01-20-2013


Mark 4:39

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.  And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Last week’s teaching leads into this week’s teaching.  There is an authority that the children of God carry, which is felt by those around them.  That authority is demonstrated in their peace.

There is absolutely nothing that can shake God’s peace, when we finally get an understanding of what we carry.  We are carriers of God’s peace.  He lives in us.  The Prince of Peace lives in us.  What we have to do is allow Him to be the One in charge when stuff begins to break down around us and bring panic and fear.

We must refuse panic.  We must refuse fear.  We must refuse the dictation of turmoil and stress in our lives.  No one said it is a cake walk to refuse these things of the world.  If it were, everyone would be doing it.  No, it takes a determination and courage to stand up in the face of contradictory circumstances and say:  No you don’t!  You are not determining my life!  You are not going to dictate the outcome of this circumstance!  The Lord Jesus Christ is in charge of my life, and no one else has that authority or right.  Now, leave me, in the name of Jesus!

Jesus told us when He left this earth that He was giving us His authority.  I often thought what a risk God took in releasing the power of His authority to us as His children.  Wow!  He must have some confidence in us.  Well, don’t you think it is about time we have some confidence in His authority in us.  Let’s do something with what He has given to us.

As carriers of God’s authority we speak and it is done.  Yes, it is that simple.  You’re saying it doesn’t happen when you speak!  Why?  I’ll tell you why.  I have had the same challenge.  When I speak God’s Word in the face of circumstances telling me the opposite, I don’t see anything change, week after week, month after month.  What is going on here?  There is an enemy, satan, who is attempting to convince us that we are weak little nothings who have no power and no authority.  He tells us:  “Oh, yes, those preachers tell you that you do have all of this and all of that, but look at the reality of your life.  Does your life demonstrate power and authority results?”  Of course, you agree with him and say, no.  Here is where it gets interesting.  Turn the tables on him.  Stand your ground.  Don’t give that lying devil one inch of ground.  Tell him that you will stand until hell freezes over if that is what it takes.  Of course, we all know that is not going to happen.

This authority of God is yours, given to you by the Prince of Peace, the Prince of wholeness in your life.  Today, make a quality decision that you are carrying God’s authority in this world and you are going to walk in the results of that authority operating in your life of prayer.  It is time to see the move of God in your life.  Don’t back down any more.  What have you got to lose?  You have already lost much.  Stand in your authority and take back what has been stolen from you.  It is time for restoration.  Make this your year of restoration because you have been given the authority of the Prince of Peace to walk in the wholeness of God in every area of your life—-spirit, soul, body, socially, financially.