Archive for Prayer Points

Prayer Points April 2013

Pray that wisdom is the principal thing that all governmental leaders, national, state and local operate in.

Pray that everything which is hidden and planned behind closed doors will be revealed and dealt with.

Pray for husbands and fathers to become spiritual leaders of their own households.

Pray for pastors of churches to stand up for Biblical values for their congregations.

Pray that honor and integrity will once more govern each of our lives.

Pray for truth to prevail in our homes, our churches, our government, our education systems, our medical communities.

Pray for accuracy for doctors and medical personnel in treating patients.

Pray for unity in the Body of Christ.

Pray for division and contentiousness and strife to cease in homes and in public as well.

Pray for the love of God to rise up and take over hatred.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the protection of Israel.

Prayer Points March 2013

Pray first of all for leaders of your nation to be led by the Spirit of God rather than their own human ideas.

Pray for families to be strengthened as they face difficult times.

Pray for husbands to look to the Lord for their wisdom.

Pray for wives to look to God to be carriers of peace.

Pray for children to enjoy their homes.

Pray for everyone to learn to love the Lord with all their hearts, minds, souls and strength.

Pray for the pastors and ministers of the gospel to minister from the Spirit of God’s leading.

Pray for people to have compassion for those around them.

Pray for those who have financial needs for jobs and money to pay their bills.

Pray for those who are sick and need healing in their bodies.

Pray for peace of mind for all people.

Prayer Points January & February 2013

Pray for wisdom for leaders of our nation.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and wisdom for the leaders of Israel.

Pray for God to raise up Godly men and women of intercession all over the world.

Pray for ministry leaders worldwide to fulfill their calling.

Pray for safety and protection for all people of God everywhere.

Pray for a great awakening in the United States of America to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray for men to be wise and Godly husbands and fathers and for women to be virtuous and wise wives and mothers.

Pray for a spiritual awakening in the young people.

Pray for the spirit of selfishness and greed to be exposed for what it is.

Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Pray for people’s eyes to be opened to the goodness and love of God for them everywhere.

Pray the Blessing of God on everyone you meet and on everyone around you.

Prayer Points December 2012

  • Pray for wisdom for the leaders of your nation.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and peace for all Jewish people.
  • Pray for people’s eyes to be opened to the goodness of God.
  • Pray for your families’ protection, health and success and prosperity.
  • Pray for an awakening in the hearts of people everywhere to Almighty God.
  • Pray that people all over the world will begin to experience the white-hot love of God for them.
  • Pray The Blessing of God everywhere you go.
  • Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Pray for His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

Prayer Points November 2012

  • Pray for our nation and Israel.
  • Pray for your family.
  • Pray for your pastor and his/her family.
  • Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Pray for righteousness to exalt this nation.
  • Pray that people’s spiritual eyes and ears be open to the Truth of God.
  • Pray for people to encounter the fullness of the love of God in their lives.
  • Pray for a spiritual awakening

Prayer Points October 2012

  • Pray for the election in November, praying that people will vote righteously.
  • Pray for the President to be elected whom God has chosen.
  • Pray for God’s people to VOTE! It is part of our responsibility in a free nation.
  • Pray for our nation and Israel.
  • Pray for your pastor.
  • Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven for your family.
  • Bind up all evil activities and loose the goodness of God into people’s lives.
  • Plead the Blood of Jesus over you and those around you, spirit, soul, body, socially, financially