When our hearts are established in the goodness of God, we begin to understand and walk in stability, regardless of what our bodies say to us or what the doctor’s report says to us. We have a higher report from One Who loves us. His report says that He is good and kind and He has borne our sicknesses and diseases (Isaiah 53:4,5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24).
God wants to bless us. He told Abram in Genesis 22:17 (also recorded in Hebrews 6:14) that in blessing He would bless him. God meant that He had placed Abram in the middle of Himself, Who is The Blessing. What does it mean to be blessed? It means that God Himself has empowered you, given you His power to succeed, in spite of all that is thrown against you. That is good news! What if your healing is contested by the doctor’s report? Does that change God’s will of healing in your body? God says: I have blessed you. That means that healing is yours. Don’t let go of it!
In Galatians 3:14 we are told that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law that the blessing of Abraham might come on us. What is God saying here to us? He is saying that He has brought us out of the land of the curse with the purchase price of His Son’s blood, and now we are in the land of the Blessing, which includes divine healing and health.
The Apostle John, writing by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said: Beloved, I wish or pray above all things that you may prosper in every way and be in health (that your body may keep well), even as your soul keeps well and prospers.
First, notice you are God’s BELOVED. Be loved! You are accepted in the Beloved Jesus. Is Jesus sick? NO! Is Jesus healthy? YES! You are in Him, when you accept Him as your Savior. That includes accepting Him as your Healer.
The prayer here that John makes is that you prosper or succeed and be in health. What we have to do is believe that prayer for ourselves. We prosper or succeed and are in health. Regardless of what it looks like, keep on believing you are successful and healthy. Don’t back down. That is where most of us miss it. We back down when things get tough and look like they are not going to work. Don’t back down or give up, faint or quit.
The final clue here in 3 John 2 to good health is a prosperous soul. We know that our soul consists of our mind, will, and emotions. Those are the areas on which we must concentrate. How do we keep our mind steadfastly believing we are healed when it doesn’t look good? How do we keep our emotions under control when we want to scream: doesn’t anybody see what is happening here? How do we keep our will conformed to believing God’s will is healing when it looks like we are fading fast? My answer always is and always will be: Keep your eyes, keep your ears, keep your heart steadfastly in the Word of God 24/7; believe His love for you; accept His grace to bring you out. Rely on the Holy Spirit totally to give you your moment-by-moment instructions. Every case is an individual case because you are uniquely you and there is nobody like you. God knows how to get through to you.
God wants to bless you with perfect health.