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Healing Teaching 02-17-2013

The Blood of Jesus

There have been volumes written on the blood of Jesus.  Here in this small space we have so little time to talk about His blood.  We are told in the scriptures that the life of the flesh is in the blood.  The eternal life of God is in the blood of Jesus.  When Jesus shed His blood on this earth, He spilled out the life of God all over the earth.  That blood is speaking loud and clear:  LIFE!  Jesus released the life of God on this earth.  That life is forever speaking the life of health and healing to us, to our physical bodies.

I remember that the “old-timers” pleaded the blood of Jesus over anyone and everything.  They would say:  I plead the blood of Jesus over you.  They had faith in the blood of Jesus to protect them, to deliver them, to heal them.  Whatever they needed, they believed the blood of Jesus would supply.  I still do that today.  I plead the blood of Jesus over me and my family.  The blood of Jesus stands between us and satan and all of his activity toward us.  I strongly believe in the ability of the blood of Jesus to take care of any situation that comes into my life or comes against me.

When the blood of Jesus was shed, it washed away forever the curse of sin in our lives.  His blood has cleansed us and cleared out of the way every bit of sin.  It is gone.  We must have confidence in the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood.  There is no sin for us.  It is gone forever.  Any time we sin, God looks at us through the blood of His Son and says:  I see you spotless.  At the moment we may not be spotless, but He sees us that way, through the blood of Jesus.  That is the way we have to see ourselves.  When we mess up, fess up and enjoy the benefits of being God’s child.

The greatest revelation we have today about the blood of Jesus is in communion.  In a sense, the first communion was the night of Passover when the blood of the sacrificial lamb was placed on the doorposts and lintels for the death angel to pass over them.  Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb whose blood is placed on the doorposts and lintels of our heart forever so that the death angel passes over us.

Jesus told us that this cup of the blessing is the new testament in His blood.  It is the communion of the blood of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:16).  This cup is the new covenant in His blood (1 Corinthians 11:25).  What did He mean here?  Every time we take communion, Jesus is telling us that by remembering His blood we are remembering that we are in a new covenant, a new partnership, where He has stripped away all that is ungodly and given us the fullness of His Kingdom.  We are privileged to partake of everything that He has.  One of those things that He has is healing and health.  It is ours now because He has shed His blood.  Every time we take communion, we must see our bodies being cleansed of all sickness and disease.  We are free to be healthy.  God Almighty has given us fellowship with His blood.  He has shed His blood for us.

We have redemption through the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14).  We are redeemed from the curse of sickness and disease.  In other words, we have been delivered from the stigma of sickness and disease forever, by the blood of Jesus.  Sickness and disease cannot stick to us because we are constantly being cleansed by the blood of Jesus.  We must see that in our mind’s eye.  What we behold, we believe and become.  Let’s behold Jesus 24/7 and His shed blood for you and me.

But now in Christ Jesus we are made night, have come near to God, by His blood, for He is our peace, our wholeness, with nothing broken and nothing missing (Ephesians 2:13,14).  Health is no longer missing from our bodies.  We must believe it and walk in it!

Healing Teaching 02-10-2013

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher to teach us all the Truth of the Word of God, if we will allow Him and not bind Him.  He is here to teach us the truth about healing and divine health.  Our job is to be open to His teaching and correction if we are believing incorrectly regarding God’s Kingdom operation, which can be totally opposite to the earth’s way of believing.  We must always be open to the truth of God’s Word, renewing our minds daily with His Word, which is His will.

In the book of Romans Paul tells us again and again that we must walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of our flesh.  He tells us to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded.  He warns us of the dangers of walking by the dictates of our flesh.  He emphasizes having a mind renewed by the Word of God.  He tells us our lives are not to be governed by the dictates of the flesh but by the leading of the spirit.  We are to be led by the Holy Spirit.  He is the One Who helps us.

What is Paul saying to us?  Who is the Holy Spirit?  Where is He now?  What is His function?  How do we tell the difference between our mind and the Holy Spirit of God?

The Holy Spirit is God Himself manifested here on the earth right now.  He comes to dwell in our mortal bodies, in our spirit man, while we are here on this earth.  We cannot necessarily feel Him like we can touch one another; nevertheless, He is in us when we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  By faith, we believe He is there to guide us.

Even though we cannot see Him or feel Him, we must choose to believe that the Holy Spirit exists and that He is in us and that He guides us in our prayers and in our lives as a whole.  It is He Who teaches us how to live in divine health.

The way I know that He is talking to me is that as I become still and listen, I have an unction to do something a certain way or to say something.  As I spend more time with Him, I know Him like I know my own son or my own husband.  The more time I spend with Him, the more I recognize His voice.  I would recognize my husband’s voice in a crowded room because I am with him a lot.  Likewise, I am with the Holy Spirit a lot, so I recognize His voice in the midst of the cacophony of the world’s voices telling me to do this or that.

The Holy Spirit has taken Jesus’ place right now on this earth.  It is His anointing which brings healing and health to us and to others as we pray for them.  We learn to depend on Him.

One of the best ways to know the Holy Spirit is to pray much in tongues.  It is the language of communication with Him.  We may not always know what we are praying or saying in tongues, but He will interpret for us what we need to know.  It is His language, given to us as a special communication, which bypasses our natural language and way of thinking.  It is wonderful to know that we have a separate, private communication line that no one else knows, unless the Spirit of God chooses to give the interpretation to them of what we are praying in tongues.  Once again, I have to say, what a privilege God has given to us.  He is so good to us.  He loves us so much.

Let the Holy Spirit guide you in your life.



Healing Teaching 02-03-2013

Authority of the Name of Jesus

How do we enforce the victory Jesus has given us over sickness?  He has given us His name.  The Holy Spirit has come as our helper to teach us and equip us with the knowledge we need of God’s Kingdom and how it operates.  Jesus’ blood has been shed to wipe away all sickness and disease.  When those stripes were laid on His back, Isaiah 53:4,5 tells us that with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and we are made whole.  In 1 Peter 2:24 in the New Testament we read that with the stripes that wounded Jesus we have been healed and made whole (past tense, already done for us).  In addition to the name of Jesus, His blood and the Holy Spirit, we have God’s written Word to guide us in all that we do.

Before Jesus left this earth, He gave His authority to the church to use His name (the power of attorney, in other words) to enforce what He had done for His church, the Body of Christ.

In Matthew 28:18-20 we read that all power is given to Jesus in heaven and in earth.  He said:  You go, therefore, implying that we can have His power to go and do what must be done. We are to teach people all that He has commanded us.  He is with us always, even unto the end of the world.

In Mark 16:15-18 Jesus told us that we are to go into all the world and preach the gospel.  Part of preaching the gospel is telling people that Jesus has borne their sicknesses and diseases.  He also told us that these signs would follow those who believe.  That is you and I.  In His name we shall cast out devils; we shall speak with new tongues; if a serpent bites us or we drink any deadly thing accidentally, it will not hurt us (Paul proved that when the snake bit him.); and we shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.

What is it about the name of Jesus that gives us the ability to do all these things listed in Mark 16?  A person’s name, given to someone to use, is what we call power of attorney in earthly terms.  When someone authorizes you or me to use their name, we are basically doing things in their place.  We have been given the same power and authority they have to conduct business for them.  That is exactly what Jesus has done for His people.  He has given us His name to conduct business in the earth for Him while He is gone.  Part of that business is laying hands on the sick.  He assures us that when we lay hands on the sick in His name, they shall recover.  If that sick person is you personally, lay hands on yourself and expect to recover.

In essence we are taking Jesus’ place here on this earth, doing what He did when He was here with the authority of the name of the Father given to Him as power of attorney.  Even though Jesus was God, He laid aside His Godly anointing when He came here and took on the Father’s anointing to do what He had to do, in the Father’s name.  Now we do what we have to do in His name, with His anointing or power in us to get the job done.

Don’t choke on being like Jesus.  He is the One Who gave us that anointing.  He is the One Who authorized the use of His name.  That is the plan that God set up from the time He created Adam and Eve.  When they messed up the plan, God had a way to reinstate His authority and power in mankind through His Son Jesus.  Now we have been given the authority of the name of Almighty God to use to receive healing for sickness and disease.

What a beautiful partnership.  We get to see the results of the blessing of healing.  The Father gets the joy of seeing people set free from sickness and disease.  What a privilege to be given the honor to use the name of Jesus while He is away.  God thought of everything.

Healing Teaching 01-27-2013


Last week we talked about what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us.  Now it is up to you and me to enforce what Jesus purchased for us, to fight the good fight of faith and to rest in the finished work of the cross, doing whatever the Holy Spirit tells us to do to enforce the victory won over our enemy the devil and all of his demonic activities..

Enforcement is what it is all about, and if you don’t know anything about what God through His Son Jesus has purchased for you, you are a pawn in the game of life just like anybody else out here in this world without God.  The authority that God has given you over the devil and his works and demonic forces is not passive or automatic.  It must be enforced on your enemy.  Through ignorance the Body of Christ has allowed the devil to steal their authority and whip them with it and control the rest of the earth with it.

We are going to review two of the scriptures we discussed last week.  In Galatians 3:13 we are told that Christ has redeemed us or released us from the curse of the law.  In order to find out what the curse of the law is, go back to Deuteronomy 28 and read what the curse is.  It basically covers three areas:  sin, sickness and disease, and poverty.  In our present study, we are focusing on sickness and disease.  Jesus has redeemed or released us from the curse of sickness and disease.  In Psalm 107:2 we are told as the redeemed of the Lord to say so:  We have been delivered from the hand, the power, the strength of the enemy.  How did God deliver us from the hand of the enemy?  He sent His Word (Jesus the living Word and His written Word as well) and delivered us from our destructions (Psalm 107:20).

Now, Jesus is in heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father and He is saying to us —- “You are sharing in My triumph over the enemy.”  As we discussed last week, we get to be a part of the parade of triumph over the enemies of darkness (Colossians 2:15)  Every day we get the privilege of demonstrating the victory Jesus has won for us.  We are the reinforcers of that victory in our own lives.  We share Jesus’ triumph.  We bring glory to God by reinforcing that triumph.  We make known, reveal the sweet savor of Jesus’ triumph in our own walk.

Jesus won the victory over sickness and disease. By faith, we appropriate, receive the spoils (the goods taken from the enemy) by Jesus’ triumph.  Jesus took back our health for us.  The enemy wants to keep us in bondage to sickness and disease.  Jesus rescued us and gave us freedom from the bondage of sickness and disease, which is bondage to our enemy, satan.  Now, it is up to us to keep the health that Jesus has purchased for us with His own blood and body.

Romans 8:38

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

One who is more than a conqueror receives what the conqueror got, without the battle.  God tells us in His Word that the battle is the Lord’s; God’s grace has given us the victory.  Our battle is to maintain what the conqueror Jesus gave us and not let it be stolen from us.  Our battle is a different battle; it is the battle which rages in our minds and emotions and wills (our soul).  We must deliberately determine (our wills) that we stand our ground and don’t give an inch to satan when we are hurting and have symptoms running rampant throughout our bodies.  We must daily and deliberately confess, read, meditate, think on, ponder (our minds) God’s Word instead of our own fleshly thoughts, which are non-productive to enforce satan’s defeat and Jesus’ victory.  We must deliberately, on purpose, determine that our feelings (our emotions) do not control us.  Instead we determine that God’s Word and Spirit lead us.

Jesus has graced or given us the victory of health and healing.  It is our privilege and responsibility to enforce that victory.

Healing Teaching 01-20-2013


God’s sovereignty over you is not that He does everything for you and you are just here in this world waiting on God to step in and overtake the devil for you.  He has already done that through the death of His son on the cross.  You may ask:  Exactly what did Jesus accomplish on the cross?  It is summed up in several scriptures.

Jesus destroyed the works of the devil (that includes sickness and disease).  Sickness is a work of the devil.  We are told right here that Jesus destroyed the devil’s works.

1 John 3:8b (Personalized)

The Son of God was made manifest, visible (appeared) to undo, loosen, dissolve, destroy or bring to naught the works of the devil.

Jesus rendered satan powerless.

Hebrews 2:14,15 (Personalized)

Jesus partook of flesh and blood (shared in our humanity) so that by going through death (dying) He brought to naught, reduced to zero, broke the power, rendered powerless or inoperative the devil who had the power or dominion of death and set us free, set us at liberty, delivered, redeemed, released us, who were held in bondage (slavery) to the fear of death all our lives.

Jesus defeated principalities and powers, stripped them of their authority over you.

Colossians 2:15 (Personalized)

Jesus stripped, disarmed, spoiled principalities and powers of their weapons and made a public display, spectacle, show of them openly, triumphing over them, leading them in a triumphal procession, celebrating victory over the enemy

Triumph is nothing new in terms of battle for soldiers.  The Romans had great parades after a victory, where they paraded their defeated enemies, who had been stripped naked, in a march before the cheering crowds of the Roman Empire.  Paul, who was familiar with this practice as a Roman citizen, used this language to describe Jesus’ victory parade after He defeated the enemies of God, was triumphant over the enemies of darkness.  In next week’s teaching we will discuss more of this custom in detail.

Jesus carried to the cross all the legal demands and decrees that the law of sin and death had made against you.

Colossians 2:13,14, Amplified Bible (Personalized)

And you who were dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision of your flesh (your sensuality, your sinful carnal nature), [God] brought to life together with [Christ] having [freely] forgiven us all our transgressions, having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note (bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood against us (hostile to us).  This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His]cross.

He was made the curse for you, suffering all its consequences on the cross, which included sickness and disease.

Galatians 3:13,14 (Personalized) 

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us…that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ….

He Who knew no sin became sin for you, that you who knew no righteousness might become righteous (right with God).

2 Corinthians 5:21 (Personalized)

For He has made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

Healing Teaching 01-13-2013


John 10:10

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

Let me summarize this passage of scripture from several other translations (Wuest, The Message, the New Living Translation, Moffatt’s). Jesus came in order for us to possess life in superabundance, more and better life than we ever dreamed of. His purpose is to give life in all its fullness, to have life to the full.

In the above passage of scripture Jesus Himself makes it very clear that His purpose as God coming to this earth was so that we can have and enjoy life, so that we can have life in abundance, overflowing into others’ lives. I don’t know about you, but the last time I looked, sickness and disease do not produce an overflowing of a great life. So, that leaves me with one conclusion. If Jesus did not come to steal and kill and destroy, who did? Of course, we all know the answer to that question. The devil is the thief who comes to steal and kill and destroy. Anything that fits that definition is from the devil.

Sickness steals health and finances and the good life. It destroys the body. It destroys families. It destroys finances. It kills or maims or hurts. Sickness is not a good thing. God is a good God. Don’t ever accuse Him of putting sickness on you to teach you a lesson. He does not operate that way. First of all, He does not have any sickness to give you. He would have to borrow it from the devil, and I don’t think He is employed by nor is He under the devil’s dominion.

Sickness is bad. It is the result of the curse that Adam and Eve brought on us because of sin. All the natural laws that you see in effect around you today are the result of sin and the curse it brought not only to you but also to the earth in which you live. Accidents, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms and catastrophes, floods that continually occur, came with the fall of man. Satan is the author of all this, including sickness and disease and all that happens to man contrary to God’s blessing.

These natural laws and their effects are all around us, but we do not have to be affected by them. Jesus came that we might be redeemed from the curse of the law. That includes anything of which satan is the author. He is the one who has perverted (twisted, wicked) all God has created. Satan doesn’t have the ability to create. We must understand this before we can believe for healing or for anything else from God for that matter. This is not a game of win a few, lose a few, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. God created us to win every time, whether it is against sickness and disease or some other perversion of God’s beautiful creation.

Until you find out who you are in Christ and what He has done for you, you are a victim and not a victor. Many Christians blame God for what happens to them, saying God allowed it for their good. God doesn’t need the devil’s help to correct you. The only sense in which God allows it is the sense in that He won’t stop you from robbing a bank or driving 100 miles an hour. He will do everything He can do to get your attention, but if you insist on doing it, He cannot stop you because of your human will to make decisions. You are not a puppet on a strlng. He has given you the authority over all negative and bad situations, and it is up to you to use it.

Healing Teaching 01-01-2013


God is love.  He always wants freedom for His people and blessings instead of curses.  He wants us to prosper, to succeed.  After all He has empowered us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers (3 John 2).  He has paid the price for us to prosper and be health.  He took all our diseases and sicknesses upon Himself.  What He left us is healing and health.  They are ours.  It is our privilege to keep these blessings of health.  It is our responsibility to be aware of our freedom of health and to learn how to keep it.  We learn that from God’s Word.

Let’s go on a journey back to the first book of the Bible, Genesis, to the Garden of Eden, on this earth, with Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, created by God.

God gave Adam dominion or rulership over this earth.  Adam was a free man.  By an act of his will, Adam made satan his lord and thus gave the rulership of the earth to satan.  As a result, the nature of spiritual death which is in satan replaced the nature of spiritual life which is in God (zoe).  Divine health comes from spiritual life.  Sickness and disease (dis—ease) comes from spiritual death.

When man sinned or listened to satan and disobeyed God’s instructions, he died spiritually.  Spiritual death does not mean you no longer exist; it simply means that you are separated from God and thus open to everything satan has —- lack, want, death, sickness and disease, poverty, defeat, failure.  Sickness came as a result of spiritual death.  Man was not sick before.  There is no sickness in God, and God had breathed Himself into man.  Sickness comes from satan.  It is a perversion of health, the opposite to health.  Everything opposite to God comes with satan.

To this day satan hates the man God created and does everything he can do to destroy man.  Jesus told us that the thief (satan) comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have and enjoy life, have it in abundance, to the full, until it overflows.  That is divine health—-fullness, overflow of life.

It was not God’s will for Adam to sin.  Neither were the results of that sin God’s will.  God never intended for man to be sick or have to contend with sickness.  Sin is manifested in the spirit of man.  Sickness is manifested in the body of man.  All of it is a curse and not a blessing.  Both sin and sickness are a result of man’s forfeiture of rulership of the earth to satan and his demons and his works.  Both are works of evil and not of good.  But certainly neither is from God.

The curse is a powerful force on this earth, but God had a plan even before man fell.  The curse has overtaken the entire world, but God and His Word have the power to stop it.  Until Jesus came to permanently take care of that curse, God instituted statutes and ordinances (His Word, in essence) which Israel was to diligently keep.  Their keeping of these statutes and ordinances was their only way of deliverance.  God was not being harsh or demanding or trying to put a burden on people with these statutes.  He was showing them that this is what was necessary for their freedom.  However, they discovered they could not keep these laws.  God had already provided the solution.  Blood was shed from animal sacrifices to cover the people’s sins.  He always has a plan for His beloved people.

Then Jesus, the Living Word, came and shed His blood to redeem man from the curse of the law.  That was the ultimate plan God had all along for His beloved ones.  Aren’t you glad you as His Beloved One have been redeemed from both sin and sickness and disease?


Healing Teaching 12-30-2012


In a few days, we will be embarking on a new year of adventure.  Who of us knows what this year holds for us except our Lord!  He is the One Who knows the way.  Over the next several days consider, think about, ponder on, regard highly and honor Him Who is Wisdom, Who is Peace, Who is Joy, Who is Love, Who is everything, including your Healing.  This year He is your Healer; He is your health.  Your healing and your health is in Him, and He is in you with His Healing and His Health.  You are healed because He dwells in you.  You are healthy because He dwells in you.

Make this year a new year of Health and Wholeness in the Lord.  With God’s help, purpose to change your spiritual eyesight from one of uncertainty where your body is concerned to one of assurance that your physical body is a healthy body because it is God’s body.  The Holy Spirit dwells in you.  He is the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus up from the dead.  He quickens or gives life to your mortal body (Romans 8:11).  Yes, your body may not look like it now or act like it now.  You may be hurting big time.  You may be facing a horrible doctor’s report.  You may be facing an uncertain future in terms of this world’s diagnosis.  But in God’s realm, you are facing a certain bright future of hope in the goodness of God and His healing which is provided for you because of the cross of Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, you may be healthy.  With God’s help, purpose to stay that way.  See Jesus as your constant Healer, ever updating the circuitry of your body on the inside.  He is never obsolete nor does His warranty run out.  Also, His warranty does not cost you anything.  It cost Him everything.

Let’s find some scriptures to meditate on for this new year.  Let these words become a part of your new life this year.  Let’s do a makeover with these scriptures.  Don’t you love makeovers!  The people look so much better when the experts are finished with them.  Well, you have the greatest expert of all: His name is Jesus and He knows exactly what you are to look like.  You are to be healthy, wealthy and wise, as the old expression goes.

Isaiah 42:9

Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare:  before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Psalm 40:3, Amplified Bible

And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.  Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord

Psalm 33:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isaiah 42:10

In each of the above scriptures we are instructed to sing a new song unto the Lord and bless His name, for He has done great things for us (such as health and healing).  Praise Him for He is good and His mercy endures forever.  We are to show forth His salvation (health and healing and wholeness and soundness and prosperity and deliverance).

What is the new song we are to sing?  God is good.  He is my Healer forever.

Healing Teaching 12-23-2012



Who would have thought that a baby lying in a manger was born to be a King!  The greatest gift ever given was the gift of that baby born in such lowly circumstances—-born in a stable.  How could He ever be anything!  Who was this baby?  Why was He born?  Why was His birth so special?  Why did kings and shepherds bow down before Him Who was the greatest gift with their humble earthly gifts?  Who was He?  They must have known something others did not know.

He was none other than God’s only Son, precious in the sight of all of heaven, a Son destined to die for all of mankind.  He was the darling of His Father’s heart, but this loving Father had other sons and daughters in His heart that night He placed the seed of Himself in that little virgin girl’s womb by the power of His Spirit.  Jesus was even conceived in what the world thought was an unseemly event.  Mary was despised and rejected of many of her townspeople because they truly believed she became pregnant with an illegitimate child.  From the beginning of the knowledge of this baby, people thought of Him as a child of shame.

What a way to be born!  Yet Jesus was God’s greatest gift, wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger for only the animals to escort into this world.  He was wrapped in secret by His Heavenly Father, made visible only to those who had spiritual eyes to see Who He really was.  He was the Son of God, come to this earth to become the son of man.  He came for you!

Jesus came for you to be a healed and healthy person.  Yes, He came to become your Savior.  We hear much about that.  There is little we hear about His coming to be your Healer.  Even He Himself said:  Which is easier, to say:  Your sins be forgiven you or to say to you, Rise up and walk?  He is all one person:  He is our Redeemer both from sin and from sickness and disease.

Jesus came so that you could be healed and healthy today as well as forgiven of your sins.  God had you on His mind when He sent Jesus to this earth to be born.  He had you on His mind when he saw His Son growing up.  God the Father and Jesus had you on Their minds and hearts as Jesus submitted Himself to that whipping post to be lashed until there was not one shred of flesh left, as He submitted Himself to the cross, not only to bear your sins but also to bear your sicknesses and diseases.

What a gift!  There is no greater gift ever given on this earth.  Jesus was born and came as a carrier of God’s very nature and power to this earth for you.  He came as a carrier of health, wholeness and peace for you.  Gifts are given to be received.  Receive Him as your healer today.

This Christmas celebrate God’s greatest gift:   JESUS, Redeemer, Savior, Healer!

Healing Teaching 12-16-2012


It is God’s will for you to be whole in every area of your life—-spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions), body, socially, financially.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:23,24, Amplified Bible we read this:

And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]:  and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah.

Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and he will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].

God is a God of wholeness and soundness.  He is dwelling in us with His wholeness and soundness.  Our bodies are filled with Him and His health.  What happens is that we are living in a world that is fragmented and unhealthy.  All the time we are exposed to environmental changes that challenge us.  We are exposed to negative words.  Past family history and words of disease are spoken over us.  If you watch television or listen to radio, you are bombarded with commercials for prescription drugs, flu shots, doctors’ advice, etc.  This is the world’s system.  It is negative and full of fear.  The world tells you that you are going to die if you don’t do what they tell you to do.  They tell you they have the answer and you better act quickly if you want to stay alive.  All of it is fear based.

God is faith-based.  His word tells us that He is our Healer.  He will protect us.  Believe Him and allow Him to keep us healthy.  He is the God of wholeness and health.

He sanctifies us or separates us from things which are not pure.  We are consecrated to Him.  We are His, and He is responsible for keeping us.  Part of that responsibility is divine health.

God preserves our spirit, soul and body.  Today we are focusing on the body.  He preserves us or guards us from loss or injury, keeping His eye upon us.  He keeps us from destruction or decay.  He defends us from evil, protects us, keeps us intact (complete and entirely whole or healthy), untouched by anything that harms or defiles us.

God keeps us sound and complete or free from flaw, healthy, not weak or diseased, strong, robust of body and mind, filled up with no part lacking.

God is steadfast to His Word; we can believe Him.  He Who keeps us is calling us to health and healing; He is calling us to Himself, Who is Health.  Do you hear His call?  He is calling you:  “Child of mine, come to me and receive your healing.  I am here to make you whole and healthy.  You are mine.  I have paid the price for your healing.  Take it.  It belongs to you.  It is yours.  Don’t let anyone steal from you the health that I purchased for you forever.”

Develop confidence in God’s willingness to heal you.  Know that He is a God of Truth.  Know His Word is Truth and will work for you.

Walk in divine health.