Archive for Healing Confession of the Week – Page 3

Healing Confession 12-09-2012

My heart is established in the Blessing of God.

He desires that I be healed and walk in His divine health.

God blesses me with divine health.

Healing Confession 12-02-2012

My heart is established in God’s goodness.

God is good and His mercy, His loving-kindness endures forever.

Because God is good, He provides healing for my physical body.

Healing Confession 11-26-2012

I am God’s creation.  I am His workmanship.  I am wonderfully created.

I am living the good life which God made ready for me to live.

I am living in a healed body.

I am healthy.

Healing Confession 11-19-2012

God never leaves me or forsakes me.

He is always with me.

He always stands with me because He loves me.

He is my Healer and He never leaves me helpless.

Healing Confession 11-12-2012

God made me perfect.

I am awesomely created without blemish.

My body belongs to God and it is a healthy body.

I am healed.

Healing Confession 11-5-2012

My worth is immeasurable!

I am valuable to God.

He loves me.

I believe I receive my healing today.

Healing Confession 10-29-2012

God loves me.

I am valuable.

I have great worth.

God places great value on me and I am priceless.



Healing Confession 10-22-2012

I have decided that I will live the good life that Jesus has made available to me.  I will walk in it.  I will cast off worries every time they present themselves to me.  I will cast off cares of this world, like:  “What am I going to do in the times we are living?”  or “What if this doesn’t work?”  or “What if I stay sick?”  I refuse to think those thoughts.  Instead, I choose to think on things that are lovely and true and pure.

Healing Confession 10-15-2012

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for desiring to dwell in my physical body.  I invite you to become a permanent resident with Your life, Your quickening power, in my body.  I am so grateful for your life and health and wholeness and “physical fitness.”  I receive the fullness of health now in my body every day of my life.

Healing Confession 10-08-2012

I am healed.  Healing is mine.  I don’t have to put up with this sickness and disease any longer.  Jesus took it and I am leaving it with Him.  It no longer belongs to me.  I relinquish ownership of this sickness and disease.  Sickness and disease, leave me now.  Thank You, Jesus for taking sicknesses and diseases and pain for me so that I don’t have to bear them any longer.