Archive for Healing Confession of the Week

Healing Confession 04-28-2013

Lord, I believe.

I submit any areas of unbelief to you to help me with my believing.

I am healed and I believe I am healed.

Healing Confession 04-21-2013

Thank You, Lord, for giving me Your vision for my healing.

I see the way you do, healed.

Since You heal all who come to you, I am coming to You and I am healed.

Healing Confession 04-14-2013

I believe God’s Word is true for me personally.

What I see in God’s Word is mine.  It is for me.

I say to You, Jesus:  Speak the Word only and I shall be healed.

Healing Confession 04-07-2013

It is God’s will to heal me.

I accept the fact that it is God’s will to heal me.

I am healed because God is willing to heal me.

Not only can He heal me, but He does heal me.

Healing Confession 03-31-2013

I receive the healing that You, Jesus, have purchased for me at the whipping post where You were wounded for my transgressions.  You were bruised for my iniquities.  You were chastised for me to obtain peace and well-being.  With those stripes that wounded You, I have been healed and made whole.  Thank You!  Thank You!

Healing Confession 03-24-2013

Thank You, Lord, that you are looking for ways to strengthen my body and keep me well.  I am so thankful that you are watching over me to keep me.  What an assurance it is to know that you are in me with your keeping power.  I am growing stronger every day as I give You praise and honor Your name.  You are the God that heals me.  You are the God Who makes me strong and healthy.

Healing Confession 03-17-2013

God’s compassionate love for me is the reason He heals me.  He is a God of compassion and mercy.  He yearns to see me well and enjoying my life.  It gives Him great pleasure to see me receive healing in my body.  It gives Him even greater pleasure to see me healthy.  I receive God’s health for me every day.  I depend on God’s compassion and mercy toward me, which produces healing in my body.

Healing Confession 03-10-2013

My God is a good God.  He is Love.  Love is never the source of sickness and disease.  I as God’s child have a right to be healed.  My dear Heavenly Father has provided healing for me all the time.  All I have to do is reach out and receive it.  I reach out now and receive God’s healing power operating in my body not only to heal me but to keep me healthy.

Healing Confession 03-03-2013

Healing is God’s will for me.  God never turns away anyone who comes to Him for healing.  It is His delight to make me well.  He wants to bring healing to me and see me happy and whole and enjoying life.  It is His greatest delight to see me healthy.

Healing Confession 02-24-2013

I speak the Word of healing to my body right now.  Isaiah 53:4,5, Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24 tell me that with the stripes that wounded Jesus I have been healed and made whole.  I accept my healing according to the Word of God.  According to Proverbs 4:22, as I speak the Word and hear the Word preached and see the Word of God, it is life to all my flesh.  It is health and healing and medicine to all my flesh.