Healing Teaching 03-17-2013

God of Mercy and Compassion

Many Christians believe God can heal them but will He?  They don’t have faith in His mercy and compassion for them.  The missing link for people who do not receive is that they don’t believe God loves them.  This is such a simple statement, but I am realizing more and more that most of God’s children don’t really believe He loves them.  If we truly believed He loved us, then we would not have difficulty receiving from Him.  Today I challenge you to start saying to yourself:  My Dear Heavenly Father loves me and Jesus loves me.  Keep on saying it until you actually believe it (this may take some time, like weeks or months) but start now.

Jesus was and is the expression of God’s mercy and compassion.  The compassionate love of Jesus is the reason for healing.  Without love, there is no healing.  Healing starts with love.

God is merciful, gracious, longsuffering (slow to anger), abundant in goodness and truth, full of compassion, of great mercy (Exodus 34:5,6 and Psalm 145:8).

What is God’s compassion?  To love tenderly, to show mercy, to be full of eager yearning, an inward moving for the suffering of others.  What is God’s mercy?  Compassion so great that one does not punish even when justice demands it but is willing to spare and forgive and help one needing punishment.

Because of God’s great compassion, His heart yearns to take care of us.  So why, you ask, isn’t everybody healed?  It is the same question as why isn’t everyone saved?  God has bound Himself to His covenant, to His Word, to what He set up originally concerning man on this earth and the authority He gave Him.  Man has been designed to take authority over satan and rule this earth according to God’s Word.  God’s Word says that all those who believe and act on faith in Him and His Word will receive.  That is the way we receive everything.

You may also ask:  Well what about the gifts of healings and the working of miracles?  I don’t want to wait on the gifts to operate through someone while my body is getting sicker and sicker and there is no help from the doctors who have done everything they can.

Depend on God’s mercy and compassion toward you, which produces healing in your body.  See His love extending toward you, penetrating every fiber of your being with healing and health and wholeness.  God’s mercy endures forever; it has not lost its strength and become weak.  It is still operating today and will operate forever, never ending, never coming to an end, never running out.

There is plenty of God’s mercy unto those who call upon Him.