Prayer Points April 2013

Pray that wisdom is the principal thing that all governmental leaders, national, state and local operate in.

Pray that everything which is hidden and planned behind closed doors will be revealed and dealt with.

Pray for husbands and fathers to become spiritual leaders of their own households.

Pray for pastors of churches to stand up for Biblical values for their congregations.

Pray that honor and integrity will once more govern each of our lives.

Pray for truth to prevail in our homes, our churches, our government, our education systems, our medical communities.

Pray for accuracy for doctors and medical personnel in treating patients.

Pray for unity in the Body of Christ.

Pray for division and contentiousness and strife to cease in homes and in public as well.

Pray for the love of God to rise up and take over hatred.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the protection of Israel.