The Word of God
According to John 1:1-4,14, Jesus is the Word of God made flesh who dwelt among us. He was deposited in Mary’s womb as the Son of God, by the Word of God that Mary accepted into her physical body.
The Word of God is vibrating with the life of God on every page. God Himself has chosen to be written down on pages of ink and parchment. He has come to dwell in us and with us through His Word. Oh, the beauty of His Word. It breathes life to me every time I read it and gives food for my spirit man. His Word brings life to my physical body. I take it in and digest it. It becomes healing and health to my whole being.
Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us what God’s Word does for us. It also tells us how to take in God’s word. We are to pay attention to His Word; in other words, give time to His Word as first priority in our lives. We do this by listening to the Word and by looking at the Word and by keeping the Word of God in our hearts. Why are we to do this? His Word is life to us, medicine, healing and health to all our flesh. Well, there you go. God’s Word is your medicine. When you take it into your being, it becomes health and healing to all your flesh.
Many people find that when they confess God’s Word over their man-made medicine they are taking, they are able to stop taking that medicine after a period of time. Instead, they take God’s medicine. There are no harmful side effects and you can never overdose on it. That’s a blessing. A word of caution here: If you are on prescription drugs, do not go off them on your own. Work with your doctor. Obviously, as your symptoms lessen, you will need to take smaller and smaller doses of the medication.
The Word of God grows in you as you spend time daily in that Word. It grows up and becomes healing and health in your physical body. Give it time. Remember the Parable of the Sower. There are various things that happen as you spend time in the Word. Your enemy, the devil, will do everything he can to cause you to become discouraged and give up. Don’t give him the time of day. Every time he comes to aggravate you, double up on your Word intake. Pretty soon, he will let you alone, because he knows he has lost you.
For a moment let’s just look at the tactics of your enemy in Mark 4:14-20. Be on the alert for offense, strife, resentment, displeasure, negativity, cares, anxieties, distractions of the world, cravings for the things of this world and the stress that accompany them. Avoid these satanic traps like a poisonous snake. They will poison your mind and your spirit and bring destruction to you. The physical body was never designed to withstand these negative emotions and entrapments. Deliberately and decisively turn from them to Jesus and His love and joy and peace and life. He is the Way for you to go. He is the Truth that you are to follow. He is the Life that you want for your physical and emotional health. Embrace Him and His wholeness for your life. You will be glad you did!