Healing Teaching 02-10-2013

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher to teach us all the Truth of the Word of God, if we will allow Him and not bind Him.  He is here to teach us the truth about healing and divine health.  Our job is to be open to His teaching and correction if we are believing incorrectly regarding God’s Kingdom operation, which can be totally opposite to the earth’s way of believing.  We must always be open to the truth of God’s Word, renewing our minds daily with His Word, which is His will.

In the book of Romans Paul tells us again and again that we must walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of our flesh.  He tells us to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded.  He warns us of the dangers of walking by the dictates of our flesh.  He emphasizes having a mind renewed by the Word of God.  He tells us our lives are not to be governed by the dictates of the flesh but by the leading of the spirit.  We are to be led by the Holy Spirit.  He is the One Who helps us.

What is Paul saying to us?  Who is the Holy Spirit?  Where is He now?  What is His function?  How do we tell the difference between our mind and the Holy Spirit of God?

The Holy Spirit is God Himself manifested here on the earth right now.  He comes to dwell in our mortal bodies, in our spirit man, while we are here on this earth.  We cannot necessarily feel Him like we can touch one another; nevertheless, He is in us when we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  By faith, we believe He is there to guide us.

Even though we cannot see Him or feel Him, we must choose to believe that the Holy Spirit exists and that He is in us and that He guides us in our prayers and in our lives as a whole.  It is He Who teaches us how to live in divine health.

The way I know that He is talking to me is that as I become still and listen, I have an unction to do something a certain way or to say something.  As I spend more time with Him, I know Him like I know my own son or my own husband.  The more time I spend with Him, the more I recognize His voice.  I would recognize my husband’s voice in a crowded room because I am with him a lot.  Likewise, I am with the Holy Spirit a lot, so I recognize His voice in the midst of the cacophony of the world’s voices telling me to do this or that.

The Holy Spirit has taken Jesus’ place right now on this earth.  It is His anointing which brings healing and health to us and to others as we pray for them.  We learn to depend on Him.

One of the best ways to know the Holy Spirit is to pray much in tongues.  It is the language of communication with Him.  We may not always know what we are praying or saying in tongues, but He will interpret for us what we need to know.  It is His language, given to us as a special communication, which bypasses our natural language and way of thinking.  It is wonderful to know that we have a separate, private communication line that no one else knows, unless the Spirit of God chooses to give the interpretation to them of what we are praying in tongues.  Once again, I have to say, what a privilege God has given to us.  He is so good to us.  He loves us so much.

Let the Holy Spirit guide you in your life.