Pearls of Wisdom 02-09-2013

God Is My Rock, Part 9

We will finish our study today on God as our Rock with some scripture passages from the New Testament.

Matthew 7:24

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them, does them, obeys them, will be like a sensible, prudent, practical, wise man who built his house upon the rock.  And the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall, because it had been founded upon a rock.

When we hear God’s Word and do what His Word says, we are standing on solid ground for our lives.  No wind of adversity can blow into our lives and shake us.  Why?  We are built upon the solid foundation of God’s Word, which is unshakeable.

Matthew 16:18

You are Peter and upon this rock I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, overpower it or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it.

The church of the living God is built upon the revealing of Jesus Christ, the revelation of the reason He came to this earth—-to set mankind free from the stronghold of satan and reconcile us to Father once again.  There is no power that can stop the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is built upon His authority and might.

1 Corinthians 10:4

And they all drank the same spiritual supernaturally given drink.  For they drank from a spiritual Rock which followed them – produced by the sole power of God Himself without natural instrumentality and the Rock was Christ.

Christ, The Anointed One, His anointing (the Holy Spirit), sent by the Father in the name of Jesus, is what sustains us and stabilizes us so that we are not moved away by anything or anyone from the power of God.  It is a supernatural work, which has its source in God.  It is not by works of natural man.  Our sustenance comes from Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  The Holy Spirit is here now to bring the fullness of that sustenance from heaven for our lives.  He is the Spirit of Truth sent to reveal the nature of God to us.  The Father takes great delight in each human being who grabs hold of the truth that he is able to become a child of God and fellowship with the Lord in an intimate relationship.

Indeed, God is your Rock.  He is the solid, stable One Who has become one with those who have accepted Him into their lives.  Remember that He is always right there with you, defending you, protecting you, strengthening you, keeping you safe.  He is your firm, immovable foundation.  Stay close to Him.