John 10:10
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Let me summarize this passage of scripture from several other translations (Wuest, The Message, the New Living Translation, Moffatt’s). Jesus came in order for us to possess life in superabundance, more and better life than we ever dreamed of. His purpose is to give life in all its fullness, to have life to the full.
In the above passage of scripture Jesus Himself makes it very clear that His purpose as God coming to this earth was so that we can have and enjoy life, so that we can have life in abundance, overflowing into others’ lives. I don’t know about you, but the last time I looked, sickness and disease do not produce an overflowing of a great life. So, that leaves me with one conclusion. If Jesus did not come to steal and kill and destroy, who did? Of course, we all know the answer to that question. The devil is the thief who comes to steal and kill and destroy. Anything that fits that definition is from the devil.
Sickness steals health and finances and the good life. It destroys the body. It destroys families. It destroys finances. It kills or maims or hurts. Sickness is not a good thing. God is a good God. Don’t ever accuse Him of putting sickness on you to teach you a lesson. He does not operate that way. First of all, He does not have any sickness to give you. He would have to borrow it from the devil, and I don’t think He is employed by nor is He under the devil’s dominion.
Sickness is bad. It is the result of the curse that Adam and Eve brought on us because of sin. All the natural laws that you see in effect around you today are the result of sin and the curse it brought not only to you but also to the earth in which you live. Accidents, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms and catastrophes, floods that continually occur, came with the fall of man. Satan is the author of all this, including sickness and disease and all that happens to man contrary to God’s blessing.
These natural laws and their effects are all around us, but we do not have to be affected by them. Jesus came that we might be redeemed from the curse of the law. That includes anything of which satan is the author. He is the one who has perverted (twisted, wicked) all God has created. Satan doesn’t have the ability to create. We must understand this before we can believe for healing or for anything else from God for that matter. This is not a game of win a few, lose a few, sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. God created us to win every time, whether it is against sickness and disease or some other perversion of God’s beautiful creation.
Until you find out who you are in Christ and what He has done for you, you are a victim and not a victor. Many Christians blame God for what happens to them, saying God allowed it for their good. God doesn’t need the devil’s help to correct you. The only sense in which God allows it is the sense in that He won’t stop you from robbing a bank or driving 100 miles an hour. He will do everything He can do to get your attention, but if you insist on doing it, He cannot stop you because of your human will to make decisions. You are not a puppet on a strlng. He has given you the authority over all negative and bad situations, and it is up to you to use it.