What a way to start off our new year of 2013, which will be here in a few days! Believe! What will you believe in this year? Will you believe at all? If you do, will you believe big or small? What is your goal this year for which you are believing? Whatever you believe for, that is what you will get. Believe big and receive big! Believe small and receive small!
Take an inventory of this past year. What did you believe for? Did it come to pass? Did you rejoice and thank God when it did? Were you excited and did you tell others, to encourage them in their walk of faith? Or were you too afraid to believe, for fear that you would not receive. Regardless of what this past year held for you, why not make a decision to believe God for good things to happen to you this year. Believing costs nothing. It is a free choice. Why not believe!
Believing God is trusting Him, having confidence in Him, relying on Him, regardless of what you think or what you encounter. He is capable! He is reliable! He will bring you through to victory every time. Blessing is the only vocabulary He knows. We as human beings try to interject many other words into God’s vocabulary like failure, defeat, giving up, letting go, and walking away. What is so encouraging to me is that God never gives up, never lets go and never walks away. He is always right there, cheering us on to the victory line.
Prayer is about believing, never giving up, never letting go, never walking away. There is nothing too hard that God cannot do something about it. As one preacher said: It is impossible for God to do nothing. Put that sentence on your iPad and your smart phone and even on the outdated 3×5 card on your mirror as the first thing you see in the morning, on your refrigerator as the first thing you see when you open the door for food for breakfast. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO DO NOTHING!
Mark 11:22-24 tells you and me to have faith in God (that is believing). Speak to your circumstance (not talk about it). Tell that circumstance to move out of your way. Once you speak to it, believe in your heart that those things YOU SAY shall come to pass. Believe you shall have what you say. THEREFORE, Jesus said to us, what things you desire, when you PRAY, BELIEVE you RECEIVE them and YOU SHALL HAVE THEM.
BELIEVE WHEN YOU PRAY! This year go for it—-decide to believe, regardless of what you encounter. Make it your goal that you are a believer, even if nobody else believes.
Psalm 27:13,14
[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.