Have you ever heard someone say: You get what you expect! That statement is true. Our lives gravitate toward our expectations. We are now told by even scientists and physicians and psychologists that our physical bodies, our emotional responses, our very future or destiny can be determined to a large degree by what we think, which produces expectancy. What we think releases chemicals from our brain into our systems to direct our actions. Actions are a result of thinking.
Don’t you consider it absolutely awesome that God has provided a divine connection called prayer between you and Him to guide your expectancy through His Word and through His Holy Spirit. A Spirit-directed prayer, based on the Word of God, produces God’s expectancy and thus God’s results.
Once again, we must talk about the fact that we do have an enemy who does everything possible to steal our God-given expectancy for good. I am not being negative here. We must be aware of the expectancy stealer. Don’t let him steal your expectancy for Godly results when you pray. Never give up your expectancy. It is your lifeline to victory.
Honestly ask yourself the question today: What am I expecting when I pray? Am I expecting disappointment based on past history? Am I expecting God’s Word to work in my life? Evaluate your position. Perhaps you are one of those rare people who always expect the best. That is what our God designed us to do.
For most people expectancy of good Godly results has to be cultivated and nurtured to fullness. Life and its problems tend to rob us of the right kind of expectancy. Disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment creeps in and reduces us to people who merely pray because it is the one thing we are told to do. And we enter into that vicious cycle like a gerbil who goes round and round on that same wheel of prayer defeat time after time.
Today make a quality decision that regardless of what has happened in your past, this is a new day where you decide to expect the best for you and your loved ones. You expect results in prayer. You expect good. God is good and His mercy endures forever.