Yesterday we talked about the great God of the universe dwelling in us with His power. Yes, He is in us as His children, whether we feel like it or not.
Let’s continue looking at John 14. In the very first verse and verse 27 he tells us not to be troubled. The reason He told us that we are not to be troubled is that He has given us His peace. Do not let your hearts be troubled, distressed or agitated. Trust in God. Rely on God. Believe in God. Adhere (stuck to Him like super glue) to God.
Jesus has left us His peace, HIS OWN PEACE. He has given to us, bequeathed to us, HIS PEACE.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Neither be afraid.
Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed.
Do not permit yourselves to be fearful, intimidated, cowardly and unsettled.
IN HIM, we have perfect peace and confidence (John 16:33). In Him we have life (John 1:4). He came that we may have and enjoy life, have it in abundance, to the full, until it overflows (John 10:10).
IN THE WORLD we have tribulation, trials, distress, frustration. In Him we have perfect peace and confidence. Why? He has overcome the world and deprived it of its power to harm us.
Who are we in and Who is in us? Jesus is in us. What do we have in Him? We have perfect peace and confidence, His peace, which He has personally bequeathed to us. He has given us His very own peace.
If we have the concepts of the world in us, we have much distress and frustration as the trials and tribulations of the world come. If we have the Truth of Jesus personally being in us with His Peace, then we have no stress or distress.
In Jesus, as we are living in this world which is filled with tribulation, tests, trials, distress and frustration, we can have the Peace of Jesus, His own personal peace. Peace: Shalom, wholeness, with nothing missing or broken in our lives. When trouble strikes, we turn to Him and He is the One Who will overcome for us as we adhere to Him.
He Who is in us (in Whom is perfect peace and confidence) has overcome the world. He has deprived it of its power to harm us and has conquered it for us.
1 John 5:18 Amplified Bible
…Christ’s divine presence within us preserves us against the evil and the wicked one does not lay hold, get a grip on us or touch us.
Every day we have a choice. Do we believe the world is overcoming us or are we allowing Jesus Who is in us to overcome the world for us? It is our choice. We choose by what we believe. When the trouble is raging all around us, who do we believe? That will determine our peace or our frustration. Jesus gave us a promise and a command. The promise —- I am in you and I have given you my personal peace. The command —- Stop allowing yourselves to be fearful, disturbed, unsettled, and frustrated.
What is your choice? It’s a decision we all make. Just while I was typing, I had to make that decision. I choose to believe the Peace is operating in my life. I choose to believe that what Jesus told me is true and is working for me. How about you?