I have a question to ask you today, something to ponder.
Is your life Christ-centered or is it self-centered?
Before you quickly answer that question, think a while.
Do you think about your problems and challenges? Do you wake up in the morning thinking about that sickness that is lingering in your body? Do you think about what you are going to do that day? Do you fret about what is happening in your life? Do you worry about what you are going to do in your old age? Do you have concerns about what you are going to use for money to buy what you need? Do you anxiously wonder how much longer you will have your job? If your answers to these questions are yes, then you are self-centered rather than Christ-centered.
Now don’t throw a shoe at your computer and say that I don’t know what it is like to be in your shoes. No, I don’t know what it is like to walk in your shoes. But Jesus does. When we are focused on Him and what He is doing for us, we tend to lose sight of our life’s challenges. Some of the most grateful people I know are those who have the most challenges. They are so joyful and full of hope. Then, on the other hand, some of the most cantankerous people I know are ones who have a few challenges and drive everybody “up the wall” telling you about their many hardships.
Do people walk away from you wishing they had not asked you how you are? Do people leave your presence remembering Who Jesus is and what He has done for them or do they leave your presence overwhelmed with you and your opinions?
This question is something to ponder, isn’t it! Believe me, I have been taking inventory and asking the Holy Spirit to show me where I have allowed self to take over in the place of Christ. He has definitely shown me some things. My prayer is that I decrease and that Jesus Christ increase in me.
Why do you think the Lord is asking us that question about being Christ-centered? I believe it is because of the times in which we are living. We must be so focused on Jesus that nothing else matters, whether it is good, bad, or otherwise. When we keep our minds stayed on Him, He is able to sustain us and keep us from giving up and giving in to our circumstances. When times get tough and things are rough, there is only one source of peace; that is Jesus! He will carry us through, even when we don’t understand why things are happening to us the way they are. He will carry us when nothing makes sense about our lives. He will carry us when we want to scream and give up and say that nobody cares. He cares and He will carry us. Remember that when nothing makes any sense, Jesus Christ is your Rock of Salvation. Keep steady in Him.
It is so strong in my spirit that we must learn right now how to trust the Lord, regardless of how we feel or what we are seeing. Trust is the biggest factor for every Christian right now. Trust Him, lean on Him, rely on Him. He is the One and only unchangeable factor in your life. Everything else changes, but He and His Word never change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. You can depend on Him.
I am talking to somebody today. Stop blaming God for your challenges. Stop accusing Him of not coming through for you. Just stop! Turn around! Praise Him and honor Him and respect Him and trust Him! You may not understand anything, but I can tell you that He is for you and not against you. Trust Him with your life! There is no one else better than He is. Make that decision right now that you CHOOSE to trust Him, whether you feel like it or not.