What is the will of God? That we rejoice and be glad in Him. That we purpose to have joy in our minds and in our hearts. That we stir up the joy of our salvation. That we serve Him with joyfulness and gladness of mind and heart for all that He has given to us.
You might say: Well, I don’t see anything good happening in my life. There is where most of us make our mistake—-I DON’T SEE! What do you see? Do you see the trouble all around you or do you see God’s Word which says that He will deliver you out of all trouble? We must learn to see what God’s plan is for us and not what it looks like in the natural world to our physical eyes. Then we PERSIST in standing our ground for God’s plan, regardless of what is happening or how long it seems to take to accomplish His plan.
We are living in a time where it is vital (not an option) that we CHOOSE to see God and His Word being performed in our lives and for us. Yes, our natural eyes and ears are seeing and hearing things we never thought we would see and hear. BUT, we must choose to hear what God is saying in His Word and to see what God is seeing. We must put on His eyes and His ears. It is a daily, perhaps a minute-by-minute choice for us.
Joy keeps God’s power and presence active in our lives. Grumbling, complaining, judging, analyzing, murmuring about what is going on, brings satan’s presence to us. Yes, it is true. We may not want to admit it but there are only two that are active in mankind’s life; it is either God Almighty or it is satan. JOY—-GOD! MURMURING—-SATAN!
Wow! I don’t know about you, but I am getting in the space of joyfulness of mind and heart.
Deuteronomy 28:47 Let’s turn it around from the negative to the positive and see what we get. I serve the Lord God with joyfulness of mind and heart in gratitude for the abundance of all with which He has blessed me.
Start today if you don’t already practice this act of joy. Think about what God has sent your way as a blessing. You can begin with being thankful that you are born again and on your way to heaven. That is a reason for rejoicing. You can continue with the fact that you are breathing and alive. Pick up your Bible and start speaking the scriptures of blessing over yourself and your family UNTIL THEY BECOME REALITY in your life.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life, as the old expression goes. REJOICE!