Galatians 4:4,5
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
We are children of God. We have been adopted by God Almighty. Not only are we born again but also we are adopted. That is a double entry into the household of God. I am so thankful that I am a member of the family of God.
I did nothing to become God’s child other than to accept what Jesus has done for me. He has set me free from all the stuff that the earth tries to put on me and cause me to worry and be anxious and take on care. I think it is pretty neat that I am a child, and children don’t have to concern themselves about what they will do. They know that daddy will take care of it. Jesus told us to become as little children. Little children don’t even think about how something is going to be taken care of.
We are now fully children of the Mighty God. We are no longer slaves to the law of sin and death. That law is finished for us. No more sin and no more death hanging over our heads. Jesus has set us free. Hallelujah! I am free to bask in my heavenly Father’s love for me. He is free to love me fully, being able to spend time with me. I am free to spend time with Him. What a privilege we have. Today, thank Jesus for what He has done. He has freed you to be His brother and sister in Father’s household of faith.
I am a child of God by adoption and birth because Jesus set me free from the curse of the law.